What Does Your Plate Look Like?

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New Year’s Eve has come and gone and your fitness and nutrition resolutions have also come and gone.  Maybe you were successful and maybe you were not.  Maybe you tried that diet and were successful and maybe you didn’t even lose a pound.  Maybe you started an exercise program that lead to healthier habits or maybe you are still struggling.

As spring time nears we start our goals and resolution again.  We start building up our running miles and we start to think about our nutrition consumption.  Our nutrition intake needs to be solid and strong to support our running as we head into the long miles ahead.  With running, dieting is very hard because we crave sugar and carbohydrates to recover and repair our bodies.  Dieting and running do not mix well together and often leave our bodies tired or injured.

Letting go of the number of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber is tough BUT what happens if you listened to your stomach?  EAT when you are hunger, DRINK when you are thirsty, and REST when you are tired.  Simple…right?

Running your miles and eating when you are hungry is simple and easy to follow.  So what is the catch?

Take a closer look at your plate!

What does your plate look like?  Is half your plate full of crunchy, colorful veggies or soft, dull, mushy white refined carbohydrates?

An awesome nutrition plate will have:

1. At least half of whole grains 

2. 3 cups of dark green, red, orange vegetables

3. 2 cups of raw or cooked fruit

4. 3 cups of dairy for a variety of sources

5. Lean proteins seafood, lean meat and poultry

6. Add beans, peas, nuts, and seeds

7. A variety foods every day

Make your plate as colorful as you can every meal.  Boost the fiber up with veggies, build your immunity with fruits, increase bone health with dairy, add energy with whole grains, and empower your muscles with protein.  If you need help changing your plate to a nutritious meal visit choosemyplate.gov. 

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