Boost Up Your Immune System

Exercise is critical to proper immune function, as many studies have shown. By the same token, don’t exercise too vigorously if you feel a cold or flu coming on, your body needs all its energy to fight the infection.

Drinking milk that contains Lactobacillus appears to decrease the rate and severity of respiratory infections, according to a study in the June 2, 2001 issue of the British Medical Journal.  Probiotic milk products and active culture yogurts are an easy way to replenish these beneficial bacteria.  All you need is 3 glasses of milk and/or yogurt a day.

Wine-the skins of the grapes used to make red wine contain supercharged antioxidants known as polyphenols.  These antioxidants may boost up your immunity system to fight infections and increases HDL cholesterol (the good kind).  But be careful. Wine may be great for the heart, but it’s easy to increase calorie consumption as well as increase your risk of cirrhosis of the liver, stroke, fetal-alcohol syndrome and possibly breast cancer, so consumption should be limited to no more than several glasses a week.

Proteins are critical in fighting off infections and boosting the immune system.  Your immune system produces antibodies (which are proteins) to fight off infections and invading viruses.  Meat is one of the richest sources as well as dairy products, beans, nuts, and soy.

Polyunsaturated fats are naturally less stable than monounsaturated fats and are more likely to combine with oxygen to form free radicals, which damage tissues, and may impair your immune system.  Stick with monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils for an extra boost of health.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine) aids immune system functioning, carbohydrates, protein, and fat metabolism.  Sources of vitamin B6 are bananas, beans, whole wheat bread, broccoli, chicken, eggs, oatmeal, peanut butter, tuna, sunflower seeds, and potatoes.  A little goes along way; do not overdose because of toxicity.  Stick with 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), which is 2.0 milligrams daily for males and 1.6 milligrams daily for females.

Selenium is a hot nutrient for heart healthy and boosting the immune system.  This antioxidant even helps maintain healthy hair, nails, and muscles.  Sources included brewer’s yeast, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, garlic, shrimp, fish, mushrooms, celery, and whole wheat breads and cereals.  Similar to Vitamin B6, stick with 100% of the RDA.

Zinc is crucial for a smooth-running immune system that fights infection.  Zinc is found in beans, beef, brewer’s yeast, eggs, shrimp, wheat germ, peas, and pork.  Recommended dose is less than 15 milligrams a day to prevent toxicity.

Let’s not forget blueberries and orange juice, which contain vitamin C, the natural antioxidant and immune-system booster.  For colds, extra vitamin C may have a mild antihistamine effect, perhaps shortening the duration of a cold and making the symptoms milder.  All you need is one glass of orange juice with your breakfast to obtain benefits.

Cold and flu prevention involves proper nutrition and positive lifestyle habits. Vital and energized bodies do not get sick as often as stressed, toxic, and tired bodies. In the prevention of most illnesses, it’s important to eat a wholesome and balanced diet, get regular exercise and proper sleep, and to be positive with day to day challenges.


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