During this time while we are quarantine at home will give us a wonderful opportunity to focus on ourselves. We do not need special foods, a fancy gym, or a silent beautiful meditation studio to change our health. You can create a challenge for your health very simple with little equipment, food, and space. Please do not become discouraged with yourself during this difficult time and stay positive!!! A positive brain with lead to positive changes, which will lead to positive results.

Challenge For Your Health
• Nutrition-Find a routine with your current food intake. Try not to worry about what you are eating but when you are eating. Write down the times of your meals and snacks. Try to stick to these times every day.
• Exercise-50 squats every day. Try to keep your chest up as you lower your hips down to the floor. Bend knees 90 degrees and push your butt back as your drive your heals down into the ground. As you stand from the lunge squeeze your butt checks together for some extra bonus booty burn.
• Meditation-Write down three positive affirmations about yourself. Post your affirmations as your background image on your phone so you read them every time you use your phone. Repeat these three statements to yourself every day all day long.
Taking small step to challenge your health one step at a time will lead to a healthy version of you. Every small step will change your mindset leaving you stronger mentally, stronger mind, and a stronger health. Take your first step today!