Drink Your Nutrients

Wow…nutritional colored drinks have hit the market.  Green, red, purple, orange drinks, smoothies, and juices are at the grocery store and even Mc Donalds. The nutrient power of some of these drinks is absolutely amazing with tons of health benefits.

Drinking a colorful drink is an easy way to consume your nine fruit and vegetable servings a day.  These powerful punches of vitamins help your body run faster, run longer, and reduces muscle recovery time.  Plant foods are also loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients to boost your immune system, keep it running healthy and reduce the stress on the body.

Store bought drinks such as Odwalla, Naked, and V8 Fusion contain more fruits than vegetables.  Fruit keeps the drink tasting and looking better.  Read labels to determine the amount of fruit verses vegetables in a drink.  The more fruit equals higher amounts of fructose (natural sugars) in the drink. Natural sugars give you’re a body a sugar boost as it absorbs passively and quickly through the muscle.  Fruit does contain fiber to slow this sugar absorption down and to prevent your blood sugar levels from plummeting.  When purchasing a store bought drink be careful to watch for added sugars.  Sugar is a preservative keeping nutrients lasting longer in a bottle.  Extra sugar increases sugar cravings, fat storage, and daily food calories. Choose a drink less than 30 grams of sugar.

Blending is a great way to increase your fruit especially your vegetable intake. By blending green vegetables your body receives a large amount of fiber which aids in weight loss. Smoothies are also more flexible since most foods can fit in the blender.  Vitamins and minerals also last longer in a smoothie than a juice.  Some nutrients are loss due to high heat of the blender blades, but leave enough nutrients for your body to reap the benefits.

Juicing is a vitamin and mineral boost without the fiber.  By eliminating the fiber your body can take a break and passively absorb nutrients easier and faster. Juicing detoxifies your body by eliminating toxins.  Since Juicing has a higher concentrate of vitamins, you may see faster results in weight loss, glowing skin, memory boosting, and surging energy.  Please take caution when juicing fruits because of their high fructose content.  Fructose can boost up your blood sugars leading to dizziness, upset stomach, and fainting.  Juice fruits with green vegetables to lower the content of fruit fructose.

Three wonderful options to choose to increase your intake of colorful drinks. Which one is best for you?  Limited on time, than store bought juices is a great choice.  Need some extra fiber to fill you up than blend a smoothie.  If you would like to give your body a digestion breaks than juice.  No matter what your choice is your body will thank you.  For great tasting smoothie and juices visit www.elb-consulting.com.  If you have any fitness or nutrition questions feel free to drop me an Email at lburk@elb-consulting.com.

Ginger Power

1 cup of Kale leaves

1 inch of peeled ginger

1 cup of pineapple (frozen or fresh)

1 tbsp. of Chai seeds

1 cup of coconut water


Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!!!

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