Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

By: Laura Burk, MPH, R.D., L.D.N, and Personal Trainer

During this time of year, most of us are thinking about our New Year’s resolutions.  Many of us have tried to lose weight, diet, and/or start an exercise program, and become discouraged before the third month rolls around.

Lets start this New Year with simple and successful resolutions by focusing on healthy lifestyle for a lifetime and not on dieting.

First set realistic goals… ones that work best for YOU!  Look at where you are at this very moment and not where you want to be.  Make your goals attainable and short term.  For example, trimming off five pounds monthly instead of losing twenty-five pounds.

Make goals specific and action oriented.  What steps are necessary to achieve this healthy lifestyle?  Are you going to eat three vegetables a day, exercise three times a week, or drink water instead of soft drinks?  Vague goals are easier too astray and harder to judge success.

Remember baby steps to long- term success.  A short- term approach for lifetime concerns just doesn’t work.  Instead of trying quick fixes, gradually make realistic changes in your lifestyle and eating habits.  Losing one to two pounds per week is a great starting point.

Don’t become discouraged or hard on yourself if you fall far from your goal.  No one is perfect!  Often, it is better to plan to slip-up or indulge occasionally to increase your success.

Stay focus and motivate yourself with positive self-talk.  Limit the “always,” “never,” “must,” and “should.”  Expect to be successful!  Reaching goals and resolutions are great accomplishments and extremely rewarding.


If you are still confused about weight management or need help in setting a realistic resolution, please contact me at 847-912-3246 or


Tip for the year: Make a physically active lifestyle and healthful eating an everyday habit.

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