New Year’s Resolutions…Not again

2016Welcome to the year of 2016…it is here!!!  Have you set a New Year’s Resolution goal to lose weight, start a fad diet, increase your running speed, or increase running miles?  Or have your given up on New Year’s Resolutions and do not set one at all.

It is very tough to be successful with New Year’s resolutions because we pick a goal that is hard to control with little details. For example, lose weight.  We have no control if the scale will go up or down nor can we control how much weight we will lose in a set amount of time.  These types of goals sabotage our mood leading us to be very frustrated.

It takes 21 days to break a habit and we often fall out of our News Year’s Resolutions way before that.  Long and vague goals tend to lead to boredom quickly and easily.  Rather than trying something else, we tend to give up feeling defeated.  If we don’t see immediate progress we also become very frustrated.

Why let yourself become frustrated in the beginning of the year.  Let’s do something different.

This year try to set small mindful goals for one week at a time.  Smaller and short term goals have a higher success rate of achievement than longer long term goals.  A one week goals is not enough time to get bored or frustrated.  If you do get bored, good news the goal only last one week.  If the goal is challenging, you can repeat the goal and try again or change it.  If you love the goals and feel great than build on it with a second goal the following week.

Your News Year’s Resolutions could look like this:

Week 1 Water-Drink 60 to 80 ounces of water per day.  Try to have your water consistently throughout the day. If you drink caffeinated products or exercise more than you may need to drink more water.

Week 2 Protein-Add more protein to your meals and snacks throughout the day.  Cottage Cheese, yogurt, lentils, nuts, cheese, and your choice of milk are great protein foods that are lower in calories and saturated fat.

☺ Week 3 Vegetables-Add green vegetables to your lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.  Green vegetables are very powerful and nutritional based. Add broccoli to salad, munch on edamame for a snack, or add spinach to your morning smoothie.

☺ Week 4 Processed Foods-Trying eating a meal or a day with five ingredients or less on foods product.  Notice if you feel a difference in your energy.

☺ Week 5 Reduce Added Sugars-Try reducing sucrose (table sugar) and high fructose syrup on daily basis.  According to the American Heart Association the maximum amount is 9 teaspoons for men and 6 teaspoons for women.

☺ Week 6 Eat a Raw Foods-cooking vegetables denatures and loses nutrients in some foods. Try eating vegetables raw to absorb different nutrients.

☺ Week 7 Eat Plant Based– Grab a salad and load it up with vegetables to increase all the fabulous antioxidants.  Afraid of losing protein than add sliver almonds to boost up omega 3’s and protein grams.

☺ Week 8 Revamp Your Pre and Post Workout Meals-A peanut butter and jelly sandwich before your workout is loaded with carbs and protein to sustain any workout.  Try a protein shake with berries and spinach to replenish and recover your body.

After each week, review each nutritional goal. Discover which goals worked for your health and lifestyle. Focus on the goals that increase your mood, energy, and health.  Revise the goals that did not work and try again later.  Your health will thank you for it!  Have a safe and healthy 2016.  If you have any questions, email Laura at to start your nutrition journey today.

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