Real Foods For Runners

As we continue our training and experimenting with foods. Do you feel like you live on GU, gel, Shot bloks, and/or Gatorade?   Drinking Gatorade every other water station and sucking down GU every 45 minutes can be hard on the stomach and very boring.

Before all the large variety of sport supplementations, runners ate lots of produce, bread, and dairy products to fuel the body.  Sure sport supplements are convenient but real food can be just as beneficial for pre run, mid run, and post run.  Eating real foods may even make your body runner harder, faster, longer, and smarter.


Which REAL FOODS should you consume before a run?

  • Low fiber foods
  • Well tolerated foods prior to running
  • 50-300 grams of carbohydrate depending on the length and timing of your run
  • Slow releasing carbohydrates will provide energy right to the muscle
  • Protein foods will slow down digestion and keep you fuller longer


Pre Run REAL FOOD Recommendations

  • 2 slices of toast with 1 tablespoon of jelly and 1 banana
  • Oatmeal topped with walnuts and hard-boiled egg
  • Whole grain waffle spread with peanut butter
  • Whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
  • Brown rice and beans
  • Whole grain pasta with chicken

Which REAL FOODS should you consume a ½ hour to 1 hour before the run?

  • Fast and easy digesting
  • Simple carbohydrates for fast glucose
  • Low in fiber
  • Will reduce hunger during the run

Low fat yogurt with a handful of raisins is a great pre run snack. Watch out for yogurt with added probiotics which could make you feel sick or queasy during the run.

San Diego State University researchers found those who consumed the same amount of quick-digesting carbohydrates from raisins or a sports gel 45 minutes prior to endurance exercise experienced a similar benefit to performance. Soft yogurt is a smart choice if you suffer race day butterflies.


Pre Run REAL FOOD Recommendations

  • Apple with string cheese
  • Rice cake with apple butter
  • Crackers with almond butter
  • Dried apricots
  • Pretzels
  • Tortilla with cream cheese


Which REAL FOODS should you consume during the run?

Consuming carbohydrates during a run keeps blood glucose and muscle glycogen levels up, making running longer easier and delaying fatigue.  Most sport supplementation such as GU contain 30 grams every 45 to 1 hour of running.

Mid Run REAL FOOD Recommendations

  • Honey has been found to be just as effective at improving performance during prolonged exercise as gels and other sugar sources. The simple carbohydrates in honey absorb quickly to fuel muscles. Pour honey into a gel flask or zip lock bag and dilute with some water for easy access during the run.
  • Molasses
  • Dried fruits
  • Twizzlers
  • Gummy bears
  • Figs Newton
  • Dates
  • Pretzels
  • Baby Food
  • Sunflower Seed Butter
  • Frozen grapes

Which REAL FOODS should you consume after the run?

As soon as possible, consume carbohydrates and protein to repair and recover muscles.  Aim for 4 to 1 carbohydrate-protein ration to maximize recover.

  • Cereal

A 2009 University of Texas study discovered that eating cereal and nonfat milk immediately after running was just as effective at stimulating muscle glycogen and protein synthesis as a carbohydrate-electrolyte sports drink.

  • Cottage Cheese with pineapple and honey
  • Ricotta cheese spread on english muffins
  • Pancakes topped with yogurt and maple syrup
  • Cold chicken pasta salad


As always drink 4 to 8 ounces of water every 15 minutes along with food during the run. Tired of water, try natural coconut water to add some flavor and electrolytes to your body. Remember to always try new foods during your training run to experiment with which foods works for your body.  Good luck and as always if you have any questions, please drop me an email

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