Sugar….How Much Are You Consuming???

On average Americans consume 1/3 pound of sugar a day.  American Heart Association recommends less than 150 calories coming from sugar for men and less than 100 calories coming from sugar for women. How much is this? Less than one can of soda.

    Serving Size: 16 ounces

    Sweet tea has its name for a reason … it’s full of sugar! Craving something sweet? Try plain tea flavor with a slice of lemon.

    Teaspoons Added Sugar: 8 teaspoons
    Added Sugar Calories: 120 calories

    2. MILK
    Serving Size: 8 ounces

    Your body needs milk to grow strong bones and teeth. After age two, choose low-fat or fat-free milk. Flavored milk, like chocolate or strawberry, has added sugar and more calories. Natural sugars found in milk digest differently in the body than added sugars.

    Teaspoons Added Sugar: 0 teaspoons
    Added Sugar Calories: 0 calories

    Serving Size: 12 ounces

    Here’s the scoop! Drinking smoothies is a great way to add fruit, milk and yogurt to your diet. But be careful … smoothies can have lots of sugar and fat. Check the ingredients before purchasing or make your own healthy version at home.

    Teaspoons Added Sugar: 15 teaspoons
    Added Sugar Calories: 248 calories


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