healthy cooking

Healthy Cooking Reduce Calories

  Healthy Cooking Healthy Cooking leads to weight loss (increase fiber) Blood Sugar Control (decrease sugary foods) Reduce Risk of Diabetes (increasing complex carbohydrates) Decreased Risk of Heart Disease (decrease fat) Decreased in Cancer Risk (increase fruits and vegetables) Support Brain Health (increase vitamins and minerals) Cooking Healthy Improves mood Boost energy Improves longevity Healthy Cooking Methods Baking-Besides breads and …

Holiday Food For Thought

By: Laura Burk MPH, RD, LD Holidays are here which means pure indulgement and weight gain.  The average American gains five to ten pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years.  We try to follow healthy behaviors to prevent holiday weight gain, but why doesn’t it work?   Regardless of our behavior, weight maintenance solely depends on calorie input versus calorie output.  …