teen recipes

Challenging Your Immunity

As we continue to change during this uncertain time, keep focus on your health  Keep challenging your immunity with simple nutrition tips that you can do at home.  Strengthening your immune system will help you fight off viruses, colds and chronic disease.  Pick a challenge and try to do it every day for one week.  Try not to focus on …

Boost Up Your Immune System

Exercise is critical to proper immune function, as many studies have shown. By the same token, don’t exercise too vigorously if you feel a cold or flu coming on, your body needs all its energy to fight the infection. Drinking milk that contains Lactobacillus appears to decrease the rate and severity of respiratory infections, according to a study in the …

How many calories does physical activity use (burn)?

A 154-pound man who is 5′ 10″ will use up (burn) about the number of calories listed doing each activity below. Those who weigh more will use more calories; those who weigh less will use fewer calories. The calorie values listed include both calories used by the activity and the calories used for normal body functioning during the activity time. …