weight loss

7 Tried & True Weight Loss Secrets

7 Tried & True Weight Loss Secrets Secret 1- Eat Nutrient Dense Foods for weight loss Water Everyday ● Body Weight/2=ounces per day Add Cups… ● stress ● exercise ● caffeine ● medication Exercise · 24 ounces fluid 2 hours before exercise · 8 to 16 ounces fluid 15 mins before exercise · 4-8 ounces every 15 to 20 mins …

injury prevention

Injury Prevention Class!

Injury Prevention Handout Weak muscles lead to aches, pains, and injuries.  Certified trainers will help you discover your weak muscles and why your hip, knee, and/or ankle hurt.  This weekly one hour class you will learn which of your muscles are weak and imbalanced.  Certified trainers will customized exercises that will help you strengthen your weak muscles for injury prevention. …