weight loss

7 Tried & True Weight Loss Secrets

7 Tried & True Weight Loss Secrets Secret 1- Eat Nutrient Dense Foods for weight loss Water Everyday ● Body Weight/2=ounces per day Add Cups… ● stress ● exercise ● caffeine ● medication Exercise · 24 ounces fluid 2 hours before exercise · 8 to 16 ounces fluid 15 mins before exercise · 4-8 ounces every 15 to 20 mins …

Shake The Plateau!!!

Shake The Plateau A plateau is a shorter period of time without weight loss usually 3 or less weeks. This includes lack of progress on a scale and by a tape measure. Shaking a plateau is possible to lose inches while not losing pounds. This is especially true if you do any type of weight training or heavy exercise. Muscle …