Immune Booster
Your immunity needs to be strong to fight to fight off colds, viruses, and chronic disease. Working on yourself and your immune system can be very overwhelming. Start off small with simple steps that you can tackle each day.
The Daily Do’s to boost up your immune system starting today.
1. Sleep 8 to 10 hours per night
2. Meditation or yoga
3. Eat one green food a day if not more
4. Eat plant based foods every day
5. Exercise daily
6. Drink water… half your body weight in ounces per day
7. Talk to your family and friends daily
8. Take supplements to boost up your nutrition (vitamin C, D, Zinc, and multiple vitamin are important)
9. Reduce Sugar Intake
10.Do an activity you enjoy
By taking these small simple immune booster steps you will start feeling great with more energy. Healing the body from the inside out. Healing your gut, your mind, and your heart all at the same time.
Keep reading for more great immune booster ideas.